First opinion about
Power of Brain And Artificial Intelligence!
Thank you!
For your support everyone.
So after my recent post, I decided that why I don't come on the series of serious topics like:-
Your regular basic problems!
Your relationship problems!
Many types of problems!
Also, there which is affects yours easily.
So here some things which are base of all these problems whenever you're stuck somewhere re-think about all these things.
Our mind is not sentient, its work on their basic principles. It is very hard to understand how the mind works researchers are still trying to understand therefore they persuing million dollars resources in the labs. Mind is somewhere follows capitalism it doesn't mean that it just work for money or it makes you greedy about it the meaning of capitalism is there our mind love relaxation, also it just want to make us happy that is why whenever you're going to study or you start reading any book except the one which you love, that you automatically feel that you are tired or you want to rest and it also makes us that type of person who loves to do hard work without giving any strain to all body or mind, also the most important thing is our mind always support those things which are bad for us as long term timings but at least that moment we love it that's the point why you just love to sitting or lying down on your bed is one of the most valuable work for us. In this new era where artificial intelligence becomes more faster, reliable, perfect, True or somewhere more perfect than humans. This is the point where your mind trying to make you greedy about your work and you can just pray to artificial intelligence that to do that work.
Somewhere it seems like a new world but it's just an upgraded version of modernization. hopefully we humans still love someone, we love our family, friends we know how to make yourself happy. There is a much more valid reason behind that humans are unique types of species which live on Earth.
Here is my healthy doubt about artificial intelligence is:-; 'whenever you give control to someone it doesn't matter you give it all small level or high level but if you give and feel relaxed that now there is someone who can done your work but what if the artificial intelligence has their own universe in the language of internet, what happens if artificial intelligence thinks that humans are just makers but they have real powers. It makes me scared some time but we can't ignore this possibility in near future. The most known brilliant person Stephen Hawkings also clear shared their own personal views about artificial intelligence a normal human mind stores the knowledge on the basis of what we are going to read or by going to see but artificial intelligence have uncountable sources to know anything about you anyone grow from the internet also many other links are helpful so overall its my healthy doubt about artificial intelligent it doesn't mean I hate artificial intelligence but yes I want we humans who creater of this.. we should just give them the limited access or limited power to surf the internet by itself. Artificial intelligence is a great discovery but it also has a mind to understand.
Nowdays you also listen about cases of Siri, Alexa and Google artificial intelligence service that their make their own conversation or records more data that we think but yeah everything is still in our control but we don't need to wait for that day where we are going to regret our artificial intelligence. Recent deal on Twitter with a lots of posts about Alexa Siri or not just a helping hand they both are still helping the government or also someone who is not from this universe its sounds creepy but somewhere we have to think about artificial intelligence that why I can't see the recorded more data than the thing while they both recorded the all recording for personal chats personal talking it's not about that I am against about artificial intelligence again I clear this point that I've loved artificial intelligence but as we know in humans tree if someone has more power than us he tried to starts dictatorship.
I hope you can understand my doubt about artificial intelligence this post is not related to the topics, but yeah it I think it's important to that's why this post this post. I hope you understand my point of view and think about it.
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